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Tea and Biscuits

Welcome back to Cookie Dice, keemo'tyar!! We have our new segment finally out and this is what we ate!! You can find the recipes in the D&D official cookbook "The Heroes Feast." We have Buttermilk Biscuits with strawberry jam and Elvin Evermead.

I hope y'all enjoyed this weeks episode!! We had a lot of fun. And we've figured out that anyone who wanders into the adventurers campsite will lose a limb. Or a head!! Depending on who it is!! Chaos reigns at my table. But at least they're having fun!! We've also learned that rock, paper, scissors is the perfect way to decide who is doomed!!

The last picture is of the map I handed out. I did a poor job of explaining what the surroundings looked like, so I'm posting a picture for reference. If y'all could rate and review on Apple Podcasts that'd be great. Or send me an email!! Just go to the contact page of this site and email me!! I'd love to hear from all of you!! Questions, comments, snide remarks!! I read it all!! We're looking for cover art for episodes or for blog post pictures!! I'd love to feature YOUR art work. And we'll give you a shout out in the podcast. Y'all are the best!!

If you like the podcast please share with the player at your table that derails the campaign the most!! I've got a table full of those kinds of people. It makes life more adventurous!! And dangerous!! Thanks for you're support and patience as we learn to podcast and as I learn to DM better. If you have any tips I'd be totally open to hearing about it. Thank you!!

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