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Where's the podcast?

A few of you might've woken up today and said, "Hey, where's the podcast?" It's still here!! But the release day is being moved to Saturday mornings!! So, don't worry about it!! We'll be back tomorrow!! In the mean time, draw the Snufflesaur!! Email me!! Go to the contact page and send me a picture. Can't wait to see what you come up with!! Or rate and review!! We will read them on the podcast!! Thanks, keemo'tyar!! You'll hear more from us tomorrow!!

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Flognard or Flaugnarde

You can find the pictures of our flagnard on our Instagram @FamFriendlyPod. You can also see our almost-meringue Fantasy Fail. Here's a link to a flagnarde recipe, but I couldn't find the one we used.

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